Golf Course


Before 1:00 P.M. $120.00 (18 Holes)
$85.00 (9 Holes)
After 1:00 P.M. $95.00 (18 Holes)
$60.00 (9 Holes)

Cart fee is included in daily rate.
*Additional tax and fees may apply.

Rates include range balls. Rates subject to change.

Grill Room: Country Club casual attire is acceptable, including jeans, but please keep in mind that we are still a semi-private club and that you and your guests are expected to dress accordingly. Non-acceptable attire includes ripped or torn jeans, T-shirts, tank tops, halter tops and gym clothes.

Golf Course: Proper golf attire is required on the golf course.

  • Men – Collared shirts with sleeves are required, golf shorts or slack, golf shoes. T-shirts, cut-offs, or sleeveless shirts are not allowed.
  • Women – Anything marketed as golf attire for ladies is accepted, Skirts must be an appropriate length, lowcut tops and crop tops are not allowed.
Pace of play is 3 hours and 45 minutes


Pro Shop
850.265.3055 EXT. 1


100 Country Club Drive
Lynn Haven, Florida 32444